• The day we met was sad;
    But here we are happy as can be;
    Here and there we had our fights;
    In the end we managed to pull it though all the time;
    One our difference doesn't make any difference between us;
    We have some of our worst times;
    But then we have our worst;
    Four months have passed;
    With four months of joy;
    You have always made me happy;
    Pounding heart beats beneath my skin with rushing blood though my head;
    That is the key to my heart and that is you.

    In my heart there was darkness and evil;
    But you have brought God in my life and brought light;
    All of my hard moments of life I have been though;
    You crushed them and left them behing and said "everything will be okay"
    No matter what you and I will always stay strong;
    You know who to contact and you know who I'll contact;
    I'll always love you no matter what and I hope we will have no end.