• We were always together
    I thought we would be forever
    But then you leave
    You hurt me bad

    Gone from my life for months
    Then I awake I know that you are gone
    everything that reminds me of you
    is gone.

    Then I realize
    The one that would always love me
    is near
    I go to him

    he is so happy to see me
    we are always together
    I'm always at his place
    But I always think of you

    And I can tell
    that he knows
    and he asks but
    I don't know

    Months go by
    I'm still with him
    But why?
    When I love you too

    And then you come back around
    Now I have a choice to make
    You or him?
    I choose you

    But was that the right choice?
    You left
    He didn't
    He loves me, Do you?

    You say you do
    can I belive you?
    something tells me so
    and then...

    I'm forced away from my best friend
    He made a promise
    that he kept
    He said that he would never hurt me

    And that was true
    He never did
    He watched out for me
    He cared for me

    I know that he would never leave me
    If he had the choice
    He would stay
    And he still loves me anyway

    And I love him
    But I'm with you
    I can't break free
    cuz I'm drawn to you

    But did I
    Make the right choice
    I'm not sure
    I still love him

    I want to be with him
    but I know
    that because of
    him and you
    Its impossible

    I love you
    I love him
    He loves me
    But do you

    Who should I take
    He chose me
    But I chose you
    Was that right?
    or was that wrong?