• Stars glistened that night,
    Shining brighter than gray clouds,
    Singing lullabies.

    Yet, beneath this wonder –
    We laid awake on soft grass,
    Kissing each other,
    Joining as One,
    Idolizing our fantasies,
    Holding each other for warmth,
    Gasping under this pleasurable heat.

    Entering this Bliss –
    I knew I had fallen in love,
    I knew we were chosen by Fate,
    I knew that one day, you will stop loving me.

    Tainted with these contemplations,
    I drew out the blade from its scabbard,
    Pressing its tip on his chest,
    Feeling it bite across his flesh,
    Carving around red matter,
    His heart in my box of many other hearts,
    All of them beating their ballad of Love to me.