• Frigid Death

    Feels like you're trapped in ice
    Sinking in a freezing lake
    Your lips turn blue
    Body goes numb
    Your flesh turns gray
    Your heart is cold
    Blood is slowing in your veins
    Organs begin to shrivel
    Your breath turns to snow
    How lovely
    Your eyes are tearing
    The salty water burning your eyes
    It'll end soon
    Your heart has pumped its last beat
    All that's left is a smiling corpse
    Eyes opened half way
    A warm smile turned cold by your icy lips
    No one knows why you greet death with a smile
    No one will mourn you
    The only one who would've
    Died with you that day
    From the cold of the frigid snow
    With a shower of lily petals on his chocolate skin