• She’s just a girl
    She’s worthless
    She’s a nobody
    She has no family
    She has nothing
    So what shall we do?
    What will we do with it?

    Those are the words.
    The words I have been hearing
    Since my arrival

    They always ask
    About my past
    And I am sincere,
    I know nothing
    The words they speak
    Most are true
    I have nothing
    I am a nobody

    But they are wrong
    I am not an it
    I am a girl
    I have a life
    I have a will
    And I will
    Let the world know

    The dark girl
    That’s what they call me
    Now the dark girl is worthless
    Now the dark girl is nothing
    I’m getting used to hearing
    About the nothing I am

    I am a girl
    I’m dressed in dark
    Though my hair
    Is a metallic silver
    Though my eyes
    Are a blazing green

    They cannot silence
    The screams that escape
    In the dead of night
    While they may wonder
    I am sure
    These screams
    Have escaped from my past

    I am covered in bruises
    I am covered in scars
    This brutal world,
    I cannot bear
    Wanting to get out
    Wanting to run
    Kick my shoes off
    The sand between my feet
    But I cannot

    My marriage is today
    I told them I refuse
    But that brings pain
    Everything seems wrong
    I want to rip up the world
    Tear it to shreds
    This is not my will
    I must endure
    Endure the pain
    Endure the sadness
    The sorrow and screams
    Come more frequently

    I am tired
    I am weak
    I am sorry
    I have tried to run
    But it brings badness
    But it brings shackles
    The shackles around my feet
    The shackles around my hands
    They hold me down
    Banging their mockery
    Clanking their laughs

    Something inside
    Something breaks
    Run run run
    Run run run
    It urges me on
    Like a whisper
    It comes in steady beats
    Like a baby’s heart
    Beating for the first week
    Of new life

    I cry
    I ache
    My wrists
    My ankles
    Are just big bruises
    It hurts to move
    It hearts to breath
    There are scars everywhere
    on my back
    on my neck
    on my face and hands

    I close my eyes
    I invison my world
    Parties everywhere
    Happy people
    Talking, playing
    Children laughing
    Babies cooing
    Reaching for the stars
    Teens in love
    Holding hands in the park
    All these I imagine
    It hurts to think
    Of all these things
    The things I may have done
    But cannot remember

    I am shaking,
    The cold nips at my bones
    I pull the cloak around me
    But it did little to keep me warm
    My skin was cold to touch
    My bare feet tough
    Against the rocks
    Against the snow
    Kind of like my heart
    Was tough against ache

    I touched a wilted rose
    The petals coming off in my hand
    I don’t know why I did
    But I put them in my pocket
    Trying to remember
    Why they meant so much

    But i feel my heart
    lunge towards
    the open window
    of a name
    and i decided
    no longer will i be
    the it
    no longer will i be
    the dark girl
    now i will be
    a someone
    now i will be