• Standing In The Graveyard I Seem To Be Alone
    But All My Soul Can Think Of Is How The Ghostys Roam
    From Town To Town And Nearby Brook
    I Watched As The Meadows Shook
    To Rumble To Crack
    And Then Come Back To Normal Times So Still
    Why Am I Still Here In This Place Of Death..?
    Without Finally Going To Rest?
    Not Even The Shadows Know
    Where Should Anyone Else Go
    This Is Where My Story Ends
    My Time Can't Rest At End
    How Do I Still Move Without Eternal Sleep
    Not Once Could I Rest Or Try To Sleep
    I Try And Try To Run Away
    But All That Voice Does Is Say "Why Do U Abandon Me In My Darkest Hour Of Need?"
    How Can I Just Let It Go?
    My Heart Trembles Me So
    I Try To Scream To Not Cry
    But All I Seem To Do Is Die More
    This Fact Remains Untold And Even Left Untouched
    But Where Am I Supposed To Go In Such A Mental Flush...?
    Abandoned... Destroyed..... I Lose All Hope And Make My Final Oath In Blood
    I Tryed To Run Away...But Never Did I Suceed...