• Bare foot on damp ground, each step takes me further into the engulfing darkness… the only light is the faint glow of the moonlight reflecting off the dew touched leaves. Desolation, even vengeance, swimming unhinged and deranged through my veins, pushing and rapidly pounding to get out. Wrenching and tearing at the glistening skin that covers my fragile bones… a need for avolation. My skin tightens, making the pain beneath my skull even stronger and almost unbearable. Faint noises, rustling of leaves, owls wings as they fly to another tree… one of many that surrounds me… and an unparalleled feeling flowing through the musty air. Restless, confused, I stop. Standing, my feet sore from this journey, almost lost, amidst this unknown place, I feel as if I am sinking in this muddy earth. I try to look ahead… not remembering a purpose for what I was doing here… and not knowing where this path would lead me. Taking small, uncertain steps backward, I trip over a small branch that had been broken off of a nearby tree ~ trees that surrounded me and now denied any form of light to shine in ~ limp body falling to the ground. Complete darkness. Using all the energy that is left in my fatigued body I pull myself to my feet and lean against the tree as if we were one. Not wanting to move any further, not knowing anything except that I am lost and vulnerable inside this strange place, the noises grew louder and more distinct. Abruptly I swing around and the dirt stained pants that hung loosely off my protruding hips caught on something metal stuck in the ground, ripping them. The noises intoxicated my head ~ thoughts, ideas and confusion were like a tornado ripping around inside. Back against the tree, I clutch my head and lean over, trying so hard to be still. Stillness… placidity… then the noises should cease. Again, I fall to the ground that has forbid me to stand and walk on ~ to continue this wicked journey I have been cursed with ~ I now sit, so very tired, on the floor of this evil world, not being able to see straight, but only fuzzy illusions of the objects around me. The noises screaching inside me, growing louder and refusing to stop. Something hurts under my leg ~ blindly searching, I grab a hold of it. Closing my eyes and holding the sharp metal close to my skin, I feel its coldness. The isanity that once surrounded me now slowly disappears… the noises relinquish to a whisper of a nearby waterfall, the trees are gone, I see the scarlet haze of the sunset and myself walking down a path no longer forbidden… and my purpose is clear…