• A promise is someone who tells you they will come back for you…

    A promise is someone who stays by your side at the very moment…

    A promise is someone who loves and adores you and misses you…

    A promise is a place that you always remember….

    A promise is eternal for it can never be broken…

    Just the thought of breaking it makes a person very sad….

    But keeping it inside your heart makes them very glad…

    To make a promise is to make a pact…

    If you betray it, that person may not ever come back….

    You keep it with you, they will be eternally yours

    It keeps them happy, and it keeps them restored…

    The more you keep it, the more you begin to see…

    They love you 1x, 2x, 3x then they have ever loved anybody…

    I keep my promises to my special baby

    She's my soul, my essence, and I think maybe…

    She's my soul mate… Wait... I'm defiantly sure…

    Whenever she kisses me…my body gets heavy it's like I'm cured

    Of all sickness, and all that hurts the world…

    If she was a doctor, she would be the best


    And blessed and many more…

    A promise can complete and a promise can end…

    A promise can also start and it can repened…

    A promise can tell and it also can lie

    But what a promise can't do that I can is be your lover…

    Your life…

    And your future husband from the sky's…

    At the end of the day a promise is spent and also is saved

    It makes people change, makes them behave...

    But all in all a promise is way so true…

    So baby guess what….

    I promise….I-love-you