• dream a dream in that me not in, dreams that you live with him,
    sleep sleep that there I will be,
    sleep sleep and dream with him,
    sleep and dream of thread and honey,
    sleep and dream in that that he gives you,
    dream and sleep in what could not be,
    sleep sleep that he kill me,
    sleeps and don't wake up, him is to your side,
    dream and sleep he`s clean your skin,
    wake up wake up, him has raped you,
    dream and wake up I was murdered,
    sleep sleep that there I will be,
    sleep and hold on that he don`t go on,
    dreams and sleep that he will punish you, you open the eyes and he continues rape you,
    sleep and cry than he won't stop,
    cry cry and soon he ended up,
    dream dream, dream with him, because in the bottom this just dream.