• Verse 1
    It's been a long time
    Since you've showed me any love
    Haven't had that fuzzy feeling inside
    Now I'm wondering
    If we should end it all
    'Cause I'm sick of feeling torn apart

    You play with it, you mangle it
    Rip it when you toy with it
    My heart, like it's some kinda rag doll
    I can't take it, you're breaking it
    Punching these big holes....
    But I'm not your little play thing
    This ends now
    I can't let you keep abusing my heart
    Like it's a rag doll

    Verse 2
    They say love hurts
    But you took it overboard
    It's not easy to forgive you now
    I've put up with your bullshit
    But not anymore
    We're over, leave me be, and stay out!


    You don't have a say in this
    My mind's made up, no changing it
    You're gonna pay for all your sins
    You can't have me, so deal with it
    I want you gone, walk out that door
    I don't need you anymore
    Stop your pleading on the floor
    Get off your knees and out my world!
