• Please tell me that you love me. Look at me with that smile of yours and tell me that I mean the world to you. Give me a kiss and I will answer to it. And just like ice in the dessert my cold hatred heart will melt right away.
    Hold me in your arms and pet my head. Love me for myself and I will forever adore you.
    Say to me "I love you" and my hatred will disappear like it was never there. My heart will bloom in tears and I will see the light you're sending to me. Even if I'm crying I will be happy because I know you understand that my heart was crying all along.
    If I stop you and said that there's nothing wrong please don't believe me. My heart is sad and it wants your attention but somehow is being hold back because it's afraid to ask for help. Please protect it and I promise you eternal love.
    If you're in pain let my heart heal that wound and let me be close to you. I want to protect you for your love. I don't want that feeling to vanish. Let me melt your sadness and share your love and double it. I wanted to say all along... that I love you.