• The Rules of Death

    1. Death is something you cannot avoid
    2. No one gets a second chance
    3. Death is always the end of your life
    4. Death can come at anytime
    5. There is no one that cannot die
    6. Anyone can kill you
    7. Fate will ALWAYS by cruel to you
    8. Death will never kill someone directly
    9. Death always reaps your soul
    10. Heaven and hell are nonexistant
    11. You will die eventually
    12. There are no virgins when you die
    13. Any death can be painful
    14. The world does not care if you die
    15. You can NEVER be a ghost
    16. Usually everyone gains something after you die
    17. Realitives might have poisoned your turkey
    18. Death will not play favorites, I'm talking to you Britney Spears!
    19. Santa, Easterbunny, Cupid, Toothfairy and all those other mythical liars are DEAD I killed them a long time ago!
    20. YOUR death shall be the most painful after you read these rules.

    Have a lovely day.