• Lesson Learned.

    Harmful, Immoral, mischievous, decayed,
    Severe, sick, sorry and ill-behaved
    Our own deceptions of what we've done wrong
    The world’s definition and we just tag along.

    From telling little white lies here and there
    Playing with perverseness; those fun little dares
    Forgot about homework and staying past curfew
    Disappointed someone and they have nothing left to say to you

    Those wonderful opportunities that were passed by
    Broke a promise, wrongly accused, made someone cry
    Always saying the wrong things at the wrong time
    Never looked out who'd be the victims of our crime.

    Took the wrong path and did things that we regret
    Made the mistakes, knowing you can't go back or forget
    But in my eyes; by my own envisions
    All of these are not bad decisions

    Without our choices; we would have nothing to learn
    But not be willing to learn your lessons,
    Make the same mistake more than twice,
    is a bad choice, my bad choice, my concern.