• Your hiding in the shadows,
    Scared your all alone,
    Trust me I know how you feel,
    I was there once,
    But I got found,
    By you,
    And now I should save you,
    But I'm not,
    I know it sounds bad,
    But I hate you,
    You hate me too,
    Your popular,
    I'm not,
    You have cool friends,
    Mine are dorks,
    You are Hot to other people,
    I'm so not,
    I know your hiding your real self,
    I was like that too,
    But then "they" found me,
    Unlike you they were nice,
    Easy to hang out with,
    Easy you would think,
    Not really,
    You stole me from my friends,
    They hated me like I hate you,
    But I found inside my real self,
    I knew they were the ones sent from above for me,
    You made me dead,
    My heart a cold black stone,
    They brought me back to life,
    My heart a vivid pink heart,
    Hiding all alone,
    I will save you,
    Or if I don't,
    Someone else will,
    Sent from above,
    Your angles will come,
    Your still hiding in that dark place,
    Hiding is all I have to say.