• There would be a time in our life that will can no longer see
    the difference between the shattering of the window and the
    shutting of a door.
    Maybe there is a realization that might come in a time that we
    did not expect.
    Too many struggles can make us strong
    but it can kill us in a way we did not wanted.
    Nobody is alone even a second, if you are looking up and
    capable of seeing many clouds and the cerulean sky,
    then you are one with it
    the earth and everything on it.

    The day passed by in a midst of darkness
    and the shattering of glass windows are the only
    sounds I can hear, but I am no longer afraid of darkness
    and this being alone for a long time now.

    There is much agony in the blows of the wind
    like it likes to say It is here to kill me
    I can olnly see the little amount of light that is coming
    from the small dirty vent.

    Is there another room beside this cold place?
    Is it warmer if I am there?
    Would it be brighter?
    Can I sleep on a soft bed that I can never feel the cold

    There were birds chattering outside
    But the voices I can hear seems to hide the gentleness of it.
    There were too many lights,
    I can see
    and those lights surrounds me,
    and they are giving warmth.

    This warm feeling
    I never felt it before
    and now
    I cannot recognize it....
    But I know that this sensation is keeping me warm.

    No more cold pavement
    no more voices
    no more doubts
    no more illusions
    no more......

    Not in my dream did I see
    That life could be
    inside this empty and dark room
    I've been

    I've been here for many years,
    as the first time I opened my eyes and woke up,
    all I can see was these lights..
    Now I know.

    They are my lights
    the one I have inside this room
    they are the pieces of my thughts
    the fragments of my heart...
    I could never live without this light

    Not knowing that this light migth someday die,
    and I can only see them again...
    here in this place...

    Am I...Breathing?

    With my eyes open now I can see a glaring ray of the sunligth.
    A light that never dies
    THe new pieces of a dream...
    Inside of me...
    This light
    gives me true warmth...Within.