• Out by that wide oak tree
    I feel as sense of security
    Like I could sit there forever
    Under its protection
    Without a worry in the world.
    Dreaming of wondrous things,
    Pondering life’s meaning,
    Scanning merry memories,
    And sort out my priorities.
    If ever I am sad or down,
    I look for the console
    Of that wide oak tree,
    For I can stand there
    And rant about
    Whatever need be
    To get my feelings out.
    It may not have
    An ear to listen
    Or even
    A mouth to speak,
    It has a heart
    All the same.
    A heart that
    Does not judge
    Or hold a grudge
    Or suffer me ill will.
    Every day
    I would hang out
    With that wide oak tree
    For it was my
    Best friend.
    It would let me
    Its broad limbs,
    Upside down
    Till my face turned red.
    When nighttime fell
    I would bid
    That wide oak tree
    Wishing it a deep sleep
    And sweet dreams
    Till we meet
    The next morn