• The Search
    ©2006 Noah Vale

    Look at the people
    Rushing around
    Filling their lives
    With sights and sound
    While, under their noses,
    Forgotten, unseen,
    Is a realization
    Of their one perfect dream
    They yearn to be loved
    To be cherished and prized
    And yet all they need do
    Is but open their eyes
    For there, just before them,
    Is a person of worth
    Who waits to be noticed
    That the dream may be birthed
    Caught up in the search
    The desire to love
    Many often don’t see it
    When push comes to shove
    They fail to see
    That gem among stones
    As hard as they search
    To avoid being alone
    But when finally they see
    What they once had ignored
    It is then that their dream
    Can reveal what’s in store
    When the dream is revealed
    And the search for love done
    Then all is made right
    And true love has begun.