• I remember they way you look
    the way you talked
    the way you laughed and had fun
    I remember the way you would get angry
    or the way you didn’t talk to me sometimes
    I remember the day you left
    they day you didn’t say goodbye
    I remember the way you had my back
    or how you would be there for me
    I remember that you cared
    the way you would talk to me
    or the way you would calm me down
    I remember all the good times we had together
    but I remember all the pain I got
    I remember the day when the news was told to me
    that you had died
    and went to be with your mom up in heaven
    but there are memories I will always have and hold dear
    they are the times we had fun together
    and just kicking back and watch movies
    I will always remember
    my uncle who was also my best friend

    dedicated to my uncle Kevin
    who died almost 4 years ago

    ~Kyle Henriksen