• Trying to figure out why love hurts.
    I've found a way to don't get hurt.
    Just leave me alone and
    let me live this song.

    You're in my memory
    Even though I dont want you to be there.
    Just leave me alone
    Becuase I wouldn't like to get hurt.

    Your words are hurting me
    Even though you dont want to.
    Everything seems to be
    what it's not suppose to be.

    Since the first day I met you
    I wasn't thinking about this,
    But now that I'm thinking
    I don't wanna hear you saying those things.

    How can I explain
    What I want to be
    Without breaking our friendship
    Like a broken dish?

    But the truth is...
    I really need you.
    Even though I don't really want to.

    By Erick / x-Naoko Kun-x (me) @ 4:00 PM / Sunday, February 15, 2009
    ~ I wrote this like sum mins ago... er.. I feel depressed today because of things.. Maybe you got why I feel like this by reading what I've wrote. ~