• Hell Inside

    I could never grasp reality
    I lived in a fictional place
    Everything was perfect
    Then I saw your face

    My world crumbled
    My heart took its toll
    Nothing is left inside
    Nothing can make me whole

    No one can ease
    This pain I feel
    No one can stop this hurt
    Because everything I feel is real

    I don't know why I feel this pain
    All I want to do is hide
    But I cannot escape the fury
    Of this Hell inside

    Now I look to you for judgement
    Because it is what I expect from you
    Everyone around judges me
    For everything I do

    No one cares who I am
    They care about what I've done
    Always judging my appearence
    Is never any fun

    I mat be pretty
    I may be smart
    But does that even matter
    When that don't care about my heart?

    What do I do now?
    I'm stuck in this reality
    Now it's too late for help
    So I'll never be free