• My heart beats without a rhythm
    Take your seats and watch me
    As I fall apart, they ogle brightly
    And laugh as they hear my heart tear
    I was taken from everything I knew
    Then blocked from the things I held true
    Bruises started to appear on my body
    My tounge became very bloody
    I bit my tounge and gritted my teeth
    Cursed them when they turned away from me
    Watching my brothers getting affection
    Walking by to recieve some as well
    But they ignored me and snapped when I questioned
    Just a little love I'd hoped, but no
    Heat breaking and tearing to pieces
    I cried myself to sleep
    Calming myself with cool wind and rain
    While sitting on a high window sill
    Staring at the sky and wishing
    That this was all just a bad dream
    Then I sat to write this poem
    Not thinking it was a big thing
    I did not cry out in the night, just for attention
    Stayed quiet on my bed, tears leaking
    Just wishing I could be held tight
    By the one who holds my heart
    Please do not ask me questions
    My composure might fall apart
    Things are becoming more foreign to me
    As I look about myself
    Then I realize it's not my surroundings
    But all the feelings I now witheld
    Staring out the clear glass window
    To the starry sky above
    Wondering if you've figured out
    That we cannot be together now
    I choke back all the tears
    That well behind my eyes
    When I think of how it used to be
    I die a little inside
    My heart continues to break
    And my numbness gives way to ache
    Wandering through my foreign thoughts
    Looking for a cure to my pain
    Sitting in a dark room at night
    Listening to the music I desire
    I can't help but to see your face
    Counted amongst the ones I love
    Then you ask me the major question
    "When will you know that you're home" my answer
    I ssimply this "When the brown meets the hazel again,
    Then I'll know I've come home."