• She never took a swim in her life, hoped she never will.
    But when day she went by the pool, with plenty of time to kill.
    She stood right by it looking right in.
    When someone foolishly pushed her in,
    it seemed as if they had a grin.
    Unfortunately for her, she knew not how to swim,
    so when she plunged into the waters, she knew she couldn't win.
    She when deeper and deeper, all help dissipating,
    and she knew no help will come and she simply just stopped waiting.
    She was deep now in the water, feeling like a rock,
    she was good and ready to die now, all other thoughts she would block.
    But then when all hope seemed so gone,
    when hand showed up and beckoned to come on,
    and eagerly she grasp on with all of her life,
    and noticed that her savior had held her for dear life.
    Out of the water, she began to wonder,
    if her endless time in the water, where no one seemed to care,
    if she truly was alone or if some one was with her there.
    And with that thought, she began to form a smile,
    and she knew right there and then she won't be swimming for a while.