• fading smile leave my face
    bring me no more pain
    I hope you know I'm right here
    but I've already forgotten about you
    should I bite my tongue
    till blood soaks my shirt?
    or should I tear apart
    what you've tried to make work
    I'd die for you
    I'd kill for you
    I'd bleed for you
    and I already am
    my heart pours liquid ruby onto the cold hard floor
    and you don't even notice what has become of me
    life brings such sweet sorrow
    such bitter temptation
    but for you my love,
    I would fight through it all
    angels cry from the air so cold
    cry, cry for us
    bleeding inside and turning to stone
    my eyes will always shine brightly
    even through a river of tears
    and the changing of seasons
    the minutes turn to years
    seconds to days
    years to centuries
    and on, and on, and on
    but still I wait, lying on the ground
    staring at the angels crying in the cold air
    crying along with them in this heap of madness and pain
    I hope you can see me
    for I can't see you anymore
    too many tears have blinded my eyes
    and my breath is slowly leaving my lungs
    scattering into the air
    and never coming back
    with my last dying breath
    these are my final words
    "I'm sorry and I love you"