• What do you do, when you love someone...
    But they dont love you.
    I let go, for a few years time.

    But then I relized, He was more than crush, more than friend.
    He was my true love.
    I was in love, with someone...that didnt love me back.

    I went to all his football, basketball, and track games.
    I was there, just to see him...
    But he never knew...never knew that i loved him.

    We weren't close friends...but we used to be.
    We would talk and laugh, everything was perfect.
    The next year, he was only in one class with me.

    And thought, Is this love forbidden?
    Are we supposed to be together?
    Something tells me yes, but something else tell me no.

    Which way do i go?
    I went down...fell down into a dark hole
    With no way out.

    I love him,
    Does he love me?

    I wish he did...
    But to me i think it's a lot like...
    Forbidden Love...