• How many times have I walked away,
    Leaving behind what could be once called close friends,
    With no reason but the fact that I was afraid,
    That they had moved in too close with my heart?

    It always the same.
    Nothing ever changes.
    Everyone is always asking me and looking for a way,
    They all want inside my heart.

    My shielded heart trembles inside my chest,
    Afraid it's armor will not hold.
    People gather around at all sides,
    Asking, begging, pleading, demanding that I let them inside.

    I keep all the strangers away,
    Far away from my fragile heart.
    They all call me bad names under their breath,
    As I turn the other cheek and let the words blow by like the wind.

    Today, my heart rests,
    Glad that the attacks on it have stopped.
    Tomorrow, my heart asks me,
    "When we will ever love again?"

    I growled at my heart for being so foolish,
    Reminding it the last time we dared to love.
    I told it to remember of our last love,
    And how in the end we only ended up broken.

    My shielded heart trembles inside my chest,
    Afraid it's armor will not hold.
    People gather around at all sides,
    Asking, begging, pleading, demanding that I let them inside.

    Another day comes and goes,
    The same bombardments come to attack my armor,
    And I stand tall,
    Keeping all at bay.

    Then something happens.
    Someone slips by my guard,
    And finds a weak point in my armor,
    Cracking it open and making themselves a door.

    Before I can stop them the intruder enters my heart,
    Spreading a disease throughout my body.
    I want to chase them away but it's too late,
    The disease has made me fond of them.

    I resit the disease as best I can,
    But my heart seems to thrive on this.
    It calls this disease love and tells me it's good,
    But I remain stubborn and refuse to surrender to this intruder.

    My unshielded heart trembles inside my chest,
    Afraid it might have made a mistake.
    I growl at this intruder,
    Asking, begging, pleading, demanding that they leave immediately.

    More and more days go by,
    And this intruder still lives in my heart with their disease.
    My heart has been seduced,
    But I remain strong.

    My heart tells me that there's nothing to fear,
    Assuring me that we won't be broken.
    Reluctantly I let my guard down,
    And allow myself to fall to this intruder's charms.

    I soon begin to realize that this intruder isn't the enemy I thought they were,
    But instead a friend,
    Someone who I can love and trust,
    Someone I don't have to fear.

    Time ticks by just like any other day,
    And with every second I grow closer to the newly found friend.
    We laugh and cry and share of stories,
    Quickly becoming the closest of friends.

    It is then I realize that not all are my enemies.
    There are some good people out there,
    Who mean no harm in anyway,
    And just want to have fun and maybe help a few along the way.

    My heart trembles in my chest,
    Overcome with a sense of joy as it begins to feel love again.
    I look to this friend who was once an invading stranger,
    Asking, begging, pleading, demanding them to never leave me.