• I have no name my identity is a number
    my family is gone and forever seperated
    almost touched his hand for a second time but then beaten
    day two has past no sign of life or movement in the barraks
    i step outside i see the barbed wires and behind that, freedom
    i could be like an eagle soaring through the sky
    but im a eagle bound by chains choking by barbed wire the eagle is like my spirit it is dying
    hope to survive keeps me alive
    hope to be free keeps me alive
    to see my family again i would love to just see them just one more time then i would be content
    a year goes by my body is thining form starvation i am bruised and dirty i have lost all hope in trying to get out of this hell on earth
    im suffering even more now life is getting harder for us, people are dropping by the day and their were those who were thought to be dead and burned alive
    i fell one day rocks pierced into my side i barly een noticed there was too much to worry about than sharp rocks in my body
    i awake i see a bright light am i free from this is it finally over i sit up but im still in hell i am in the terrors that were said to kill you from the inside out and they wernt kidding
    there was an iv in my arm i started screaming there was an empty gas tank near my bed
    they were treating me like a test subject they were monsters
    i scream for my life i see the door open as the door opens everything goes black it turns brught again now i know that i am home