• Unbearable are flames
    Rising from the catacombs
    Creeping up then scorching all darkness from sight

    Wails echo for some sympathy
    Bags move, figures appearing then fading
    Red fresh and red old
    Shackle the chains onto
    Fidget, whip it, crying, whip it, disobedience, whip it
    Halls empty, telling tales of isolation and spelling out alone
    No witness, no face, no fighting
    Tools lay sleeping
    Bags toppled with inventory
    Days do not pass
    Very beyond fear, very beyond life
    Danced around in chains

    Let in the cold draft
    Blind it with duct-tape
    Record the shedding of warm salt
    Footsteps to indicate
    When the devil approaches, then leaves once more
    A domain of hell remains constant
    This day a butcher
    Cuts down rotten meat
    Foul, unusable, priceless

    Sad that the favorite must rot fast
    Pity for fun times it was

    Dragging behind hallow doll
    Re-open a fresh wound upon the earth
    Dump it, leave it, bury it, quit it