• Love At Spring Time
    Spring is the season of regeneration, and guess who's making the most of this season of new beginnings -- Steve! Yes friends, there's a wonderful update on Steve and his mysterious equation with his mystery friend. Natalie, the single mom who has Steve bonkers for her, has suggested an idea that has got Steve sailing on the highest clouds. He walked in to my cubicle and announced with restrained jubilation: "She wants to go biking with me!" For a couple of seconds I couldn't figure out who he was talking about. Then it registered.

    As it is, Natalie lives in Brooklyn Heights. The apartment she lives in actually belongs to her ex-husband. He's some big-shot business honcho. When they parted ways, he let her have this apartment as an alimony settlement. Now Natalie lives there with her mom and the twins, along with her dog. While they go biking, Natalie has requested her mother to take care of the twins. Her mom agreed and that has triggered this biking trip.

    So far so good. They have decided to start from Prospect Park and bike down to the beach. Steve is expecting this to be the best time he had so far and I think he has every right to think so. Biking in Spring is a pleasure on its own, and to do that with someone who's special to you makes it something to look forward to. Steve is getting some stuff ready. A geek on a biking trip with his special woman may be headline material to other geeks, but we are all very happy to see this romantic side of our geek friend. Aren't you?