- Alone in a silent group of people, they quietly talk among themselves and leave me out of the conversation normally I couldn’t care less, I hate people with a passion but even I have my moments when I wish that I had someone to talk to. I won’t even try to include myself in the conversation any more because all it gained me were false friends a fake personality. If anyone really cares whether or not if I fall again, they won’t let me know. So when they stare at my scars and ask me why I did this to myself I wish they’d just realized Its their fault this blade’s in my hand covered in blood and just leave me alone if all they want is to see my sorrow.

- Title: when no one talks
- Artist: okarii777
- Description: i used to feel like this until i got real friends who really care oddly enough i keep the orginal copy with out any changes in my back pocket for luck at all times.
- Date: 03/29/2009
- Tags: talks cutting pain
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Comments (4 Comments)
- is that a bear - 03/20/2010
- ugh. this is really good. agreed to it being the wrong place to enter it but i do like this. it takes alot of courage and effort to put this down in words.
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- Beware of His Angel - 04/10/2009
- =[ i hate that u have scars when you dont deserve them i luv ur work though
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- Fyrewalle - 04/05/2009
Im sorry but you've written this in the wrong section there buddy. That's a bit of a rant, not a lyric or poetry entry.
Study up a bit more and come back with something that we can evaluate.
And on a side note, going and cutting yourself doesn't do anything. It just proves your a weak minded fool, who tries to seek escape from a life he is to afraid to handle himself. Basically, a coward. Now move on, there are too many of you hollowed out kids.. - Report As Spam
- red_blossom12 - 03/29/2009
- AWESOME!! That showed a lot of hard work to make it into words.
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