Oh that perfect skin, that beautiful flawless skin.
    How can't I resist the wonderful touch of that stimulating skin.
    But your skin is not the only thing I can not resist.
    Their are your eyes, those deep ever knowing eyes, those infinet eyes.
    And your lips, those soft silky lips in which I can not resist myself from dreaming of them all day.
    But most of all their is that body, thos curves, and that physique.
    With all of these together they become the perfect ingredients for flawless perfection.
    And when this flawless perfection makes contact with me, or is even near me, that feeling of heat comes upon me, oh that glorios warm wonderful feeling of heat, that ever lasting heat.
    But without that heatit's as if a my body go's numb from the cold.
    That chill, no, that cold harsh frost I feel withou that heat from your body, your beautiful, flawless, wonderful body, would not be bearable for me unless I knew at the end of the day I would have that feeling of heat, that feeling of dlorios, warm, luminous, wonderful heat.