• heart heart heart heart

    Everywhere I go
    I always know
    There is danger
    Its been there since forever
    Even when I was in a manger

    But you always keep me safe and harmed me never
    Through the good times and bad
    And the times I was full of glee and sad

    You embraced me without a doubt
    You hide in the light
    I never got into a fight I might lose
    You kept me away from Boose
    When I lost my mother
    When I got a lover
    The good things that happened to me was because of my Angel
    Though I can't see you
    Even though I grew
    My heart trusted the warmth of the things that surrounded me

    O nameless Angel who are you
    Without you i feel blue
    You were gone a moment I fell to the ground
    I hurt so much I did not sound
    Awaiting for death I saw
    Thats the law I guess
    Looking up i see you now
    You were not allowed to watch over me anymore
    I smiled at you you smiled back
    It's been a while