• The only face I want to see next to mine,
    Is yours.
    The only warmth I need to feel,
    Is yours.
    The only hand I want to hold,
    Is yours.
    The only love I want to receive,
    Is yours.
    The only person I want to spend the rest
    of my life with,
    Is you.

    I want to hold you tight and never let go.
    You can be my sun, moon, and stars.
    I promise to love you always,
    And be your world.

    At times,
    I don’t understand why I’m so mesmerized by you,
    Unable to forget your lingering touch.

    In a crowd full of beautiful women,
    It’ll be like you walked into a dark room,
    The bright spotlight shines over my smiling face,
    And you can’t help but see only me.

    We can be that crooked kind of perfect,
    Where everyone is envious of what we have,
    But we know that we’ll have our ups and downs,
    And I promise that with each one,
    We’ll only grow closer.

    There isn’t anything that we can’t do.
    We’ll walk hand in hand,
    To the end of the Earth.

    I don’t think that it’s possible for me to like anyone else but you,
    Impossible for me for get all that we’ve been through,
    Impossible to forget all the time we spent together,
    And impossible to forget the love that runs through both of us.