• Close your eyes and holed on to me, hold on to me
    Hide your eyes from this world of insanity and shame
    Cling to me like a new born from its mother’s whom
    Don’t you ever see this world for what it truly is
    Never speak to one from this world but me
    Save your sweet breath for me only
    And never to grace others with it
    My love, my sweet speak only to me
    Look only to me, sing and smile only for me
    Dance only to the beat of my heart and look only at me
    No one else is here, no one lives but us
    Live for me, just for me, one like me
    Just you that I see, just us we see
    Just us to look through the glass and see
    I see you and you see me
    One like me and one like you
    Us is we and we is us
    Reflection speak for we are me