• I see the faces smiling at me
    They are not real, they all look so slimy to me
    They are so "normal" that they make me sick
    Being here is worse than being hit by a brick
    Why do they keep flashing fake smiles at me?
    Feels like I commited great crimes, you see
    I'm bleeding inside, more and more, oh, my poor, broken heart
    When it was whole it could sing like a harp...
    I walk home, I hear a voice
    Now once more I have to make a choice
    To run, or to hide? Or to face them?
    I know I disgrace them...
    Too late, they are here, I can hear them shout...
    "You slut, you don't belong here, goths should die,just like you, yeah, you should die... I will kill you myself, you brat, who do you think you are? Walking here, walking near our street, you should keep away from us, we don't want to catch a disease or something... Yeah, why don't you talk? Why don't you say something? HELLO? Are you in there? Talk! Say something, b*tch!"
    Like that everyday, everyday of my life
    I often wish that I was still five...
    This mental disease will destroy me
    My friends will betray me
    Music will no longer save me...
    And all I can hope for is death,
    And wait for the end
    Black is my trend
    My soul is weeping
    While I am sweeping
    The tears away,
    All day, every day.