• A melting clock in a forest
    filled with tender red blossoms
    dripping onto the brittle earth
    seeping through the cracks.
    A rabbit with the hands of a human,
    A human with the body of a squirrel,
    a squirrel with the legs of a panda,
    a panda with the tail of a horse.
    A tree with the leaves of a rose,
    a rose with the petals of a sunflower,
    a sunflower with the center of a daisy,
    a daisy with the thorns of a branch.
    A carrot with the top of a strawberry,
    buried into earth with the properties of a brick wall.
    A stall of corn with leaves of lettuce,
    a lettuce patch with the roots of celery.
    A watermelon with the insides of an orange,
    an orange with a grape outer shell,
    A well with a wheelbarrel bucket,
    a fence held together by chairs.
    The sun, the melting clock,
    falling down each day when the clock is spent.
    Dripping sides, splashing time
    turned to ash, turned to ice.
    An old man with no eyes to see,
    A young child with no hands to hold,
    A large woman with no legs to walk,
    A baby with no mouth to smile.
    A house of stacked rocks,
    a roof of rakes and shovels,
    toilet for a chimney, basket for a door.
    Rain pouring up from the ground,
    A flowing wound receeding into a body.
    Stars that move to the ground, and flicker out.
    I'm home.