• I'm not gonna lie... I've felt this way about a her before.....
    I just ignored it cause I thought i didn't have a chance.....
    But so much has changed from then....

    I don't wanna say I'm in love with her because....
    Well Because I don't wanna start with loving her....
    I wanna end up loving her.....

    But she doesn't remember....
    I've lived off of false hope even in the worst conditions....
    But now.... Now I don't know if false hope can help me now.

    I've said it once in hope that she'd read it, but still... nothing
    I want to say it again but my confidence is failing me,
    Because I can't wait, yet i want her to know
    But more than fear is keeping me from saying it....

    It's not even the chances,
    Because I have faced worse, and won

    But it's the fact that I've felt this way about her
    since I met her... I just can't take it.....