• Remember all those times when we had fun,
    Grins on our lips: our faces in the sun.
    Walking on the beach Hand in hand,
    Eating frozen peaches our toes in the sand.
    It happened without warning,
    On a sunny mid-morning.
    I felt distance in your arms,
    Your smile was no longer sunny and warm.
    Though your kisses seemed to reassure it.
    There was no denying,
    no lying.
    Our spark was dying out,
    and no amount of kisses
    "I love you"s could rekindle,
    The fire that once Blazed between us.
    And I know now we'll never be the same.
    In my dreams, I thought we'd last forever,
    But it's clear now
    we can't be together...


    Love's rough, but we endure it.