• one week left
    going by so fast
    time taken by theft
    find something to grasp

    memories will fade
    people move on
    the friends that we've made
    will all soon be gone

    and ill think of you now
    as i thought of you then
    and how anyone so different
    could become perfect friends

    ill take that in life
    in everything i do
    when someone sits next to me
    that person is you

    ill give them a chance
    and stop judging looks
    because all we are
    are enormous books

    filled with new pages
    of stories to share
    you fill up a new one
    with love and despair

    so i hope you do well
    in all that you do
    if i don't see you
    your dreams will come true

    you were my book
    id read over again
    at least i can say
    that you were my friend.