• Maybe if you loved me,
    I could love you back,
    Maybe if I smiled,
    Someone would smile back,
    Maybe if I talked more,
    I would have more friends,
    Maybe if I hadn't moved,
    I would still be with you,
    Maybe if I was a little nicer,
    People would like me more,
    Maybe if someone got to know me,
    They would understand,
    Maybe if I dreamed more often,
    they would make more since,
    Maybe if I learned to laugh,
    Everyone would be a little happier,
    Maybe if I participated in something else,
    I could learn more things,
    Maybe if I read a book,
    I could open my mind,
    Maybe if I listened to you,
    I could help you out,
    Maybe if I moved back,
    I would and could be happier
    maybe if I didn't move back,
    I could learn much more,
    Maybe if you came for a visit,
    I could tell you something,
    Maybe if I loved you,
    you could stay with me for now.