• tears pour silently down my cheek
    each one murmurs "so weak, so weak"
    I'm not strong enough to hold them in
    and to me this is a deadly sin

    If only I could fly silent like the bird
    hush now child, not a word
    should fall from your lips a single sound
    you'll join the others underground

    turn round and go back whence you came
    do not travel here again
    for if you do I fear t'would be
    a dreadful thing your soul will see

    but did I heed what was said?
    no, on I went far ahead
    so down road and forest through
    I traveled on so sure and true

    now if I had a thought to pause
    I may have found just cause
    to turn about and leave behind
    the thing I had so sought to find

    foolish I was, I'll now admit
    for look and see where I sit
    upon my own shadowed grave
    the dark night's forever slave

    screams ringing through my ears
    these are the masters of my tears
    I lay my head on a pillow of sorrow
    and know that I'll never see tomorrow