• Here lies my border -
    One-thousand times broken,
    Which gives no heed
    Nor swift sought retribution
    To the small constrained spaces
    Leaking of pure idiocy.

    My heart welled full
    Of curdled disgust;
    The blood therein stayed still.
    The current flow detours,
    And thinly hewed patience
    Rewards my compromised end.

    Peace once sat here;
    There is not room yet
    Enough for her in
    The kingdom of ill-gained
    Freeloaded bounty;
    Satan now houses this icebox.

    The white leaking pattern
    Does not itself conform -
    Full of proof denying
    The full essence that half
    A capable brain,
    Acustom shared, should lack.

    What is knowledge?
    What worth, O man,
    That can but nary see
    The purest composition
    Disgustingly harboring
    Lack of visual amplification?

    O, Sartre, how true
    To structure such disdain?
    How ironically fitting:
    "L'enfer, c'est les autres";
    For proof, flow, and leak,
    Can yet prove better reason.