• the silent interminable pull at my heart
    sheer terror runs through me
    my heart hiccups and drums faster.
    mind numbing fear paralyzes me.
    fear of remembering.

    i try not to think (do not feed
    the animals)
    closed eyes vainly attempt to shield me from the
    nightmares of reality

    against my will
    the walls crash down.
    the eyes open.
    paralyzed. i begin to

    amorphous dancing entities (love)
    horrible white nothingness
    (surrounds the scene)
    the shapeless silhouettes
    transition into (angry) bodies

    the sound of nothingness (hatred)
    becomes more distinct.
    bodies separate worldessly apathetically
    turn away

    eyes open. again.
    nightmarish phantasms
    endlessly through my mind

    whats worse?dreams or