• In the eyes of a hero,
    A child cries,
    A women screams,
    A villain dies.

    Maybe it's just imagination,
    setting free,
    no limitations
    to hold back thee.

    Maybe it's feelings,
    emotions so strong,
    that chooses the course
    the owner goes on.

    But when the 'evil-doer'
    gives out a cry,
    the hero stops, thinks,
    and wonders why.

    He was just a man,
    much like you or me.
    But maybe he was lost,
    maybe he needed to be set free.

    So whilst the city rejoices
    in glorious sound,
    you'll find that the hero
    cannot be found.

    For he will be alone
    on the villain's grave,
    saying softly
    how he wished the man could have been saved.