• I thought he really cared
    But when I need him,
    He's never here,
    He's never there.
    But he's gotta be somewhere.
    If only he could see,
    Its times like this
    That really get to me.
    I thought that we're in love,
    Something great from above,
    No helping hand have I found,
    Or a touch without a sound,
    Not too rough,
    Yet not too light.
    I hope theres not a fight tonight.

    When I'm here all alone,
    Slave to my mind thats in the zone,
    He's never here,
    He's never there.
    My heart is so sad,
    I just need to have
    Someone there, anywhere,
    Someone near, very near
    But he's not here....
    He's never here......