• Why do i have constant bruises?
    Why do you like to torture me every day..
    Every chance you get to make my life hell,
    You take it..
    You like to hurt me..
    Hurting me is a game to you isnt it...?
    Arent mothers supposed to be kind, caring, comforting..?
    Not you...
    No, no, no...
    Am i a toy to you?
    Am i just a doll that you can do what ever to?
    Do you think im some rag doll you can slide through mud and just,
    Wash me off and have more fun with out me being affected..?
    It doesnt work that way...
    You should know that..
    I dont understand why you think im ok with the bruises you inflict upon my body...
    I dont think ill ever understand.
    But honestly,
    Do i want to know why...?
    Do you think im ok with the pain?
    Do you think i enjoy the pain you cause,
    Not only emotionally,
    But physically too...?
    Am i some game you like to play,
    Where there are no rules,
    Just have fun?
    Is my pain your pleasure?
    I just dont get it...
    I dont understand how you can smile at me bleeding,
    From your hand..
    Im internally bleeding thanks to you..
    Im externally bleeding too..
    Will you ever feel my pain..?
    Will you ever know that i hate you?
    Will you ever figure out...
    Im not just some doll....