• My lips tremble and quiver, aching to taste her.
    I coer them with my hat, the very same she loves.
    She wears it better than I, with full lips and deep eyes.
    I dare not say I love her, for I surrender if I do.
    I steal a glance too many times, but they go unmet.
    I do not dream often without her, and it troubles me.
    How quickly I am to fall so hard, so soon.
    I am a fool, but a loving fool.
    Loyal and obediant to the end, I laugh a hopeless laugh.
    I hate what she does, unknowingly seducing me.
    If her hands were to love me, tears would fall.
    I can't deny, I'd steal and bribe,
    and hurt and run, and burn and hate.
    All of this for her sake.
    Like a statue, I forever stand at her side.
    To guard, protect, and love my liege.