• Lonely

    It is so lonely in the world outside,
    with all of the homeless and the starved,
    no one helps with all the pain and suffering,
    yet we can still find time to feel all the happy joys of life.

    It is so lonely in an empty house,
    filled with nothing but lifeless belongings,
    and the empty feeling of warmth,
    what is the point of coming to a house,
    is only to sit in it alone.

    It is so lonely with a life of no friends,
    but if you have no friends why live?
    if you can not love anyone,
    then why should there be love at all?

    it is so lonely in the world today,
    but it might just be possible to have a friend,
    that forgives like god,
    and is as sweet as a flower.

    You will soon have a friend,
    and will no longer be lonely,
    then the whole world will be an open book.

    The world will be open for you to search the pages,
    and you can explore with great wandering eyes,
    you will then no longer be lonely.