• i'm losin' it
    my creativity my will
    my ability
    to have faith in my writing skill
    losin' my mind, losin' Zs
    everytime i freeze
    i lose my grip on reality
    and fall to my knees
    prayin' for a muse
    to dot my i's n cross my t's
    hopin', all the while, that nobody sees
    i hate it
    the whole thing
    the part where i can't breathe
    the part
    where i hate
    and i freak and i seethe
    oh i try to make it work
    i try not to go bezerk
    try to act like my doubt
    and my fear are just a crazy quirk
    still i can't help but feel like
    i've wasted my life
    and that my writing is just
    a big ol' jagged knife
    stuck in my gut
    causin' a rut
    a worsenin' cut
    jabbed in by my hopes, that have slowly turned to fears,
    as i begin to doubt my work over the last four years
    i'm losin' it.