• My Happiest Memory

    People talk about trips
    To SeaWorld and Disneyland
    Or birthday parties, for them or for friends
    And times when their crush first held their hand
    While they're discussing this
    I sit in the corner and bitterly smile
    At my pitiful existence, an excuse for a life
    All this long while
    Thinking about how
    My happiest memory
    Is of late last night
    When I fell into sleep, however temporary
    When I knew that
    I would have relief
    A break, from my life
    Even though it was much too brief
    When I awoke in the morning
    I felt my eyes p***k as I started to cry
    And lay in my bed for hours
    Just asking "Why?"
    Why couldn't it
    Have all ended then?
    While I was asleep
    And my mind played pretend
    But it, I, didn't all end
    My moment of peace was no more than temporary
    And it is pitiful that this
    Seems to be my happiest memory