• So now the truth finally hits your face.
    He’s not yours, and probably won’t ever be.
    Takes a while to settle in, the shock of having your daydreams speared by reality.
    You’re numb for a bit, like after being hit in the head
    And then it comes.
    The first wave rolls over you, soaking you in the fact that he’s not yours.
    And all those other couples happily holding hands will never be you.
    All your plans, your roadmap, have been torn to shreds.
    And like a lost child, you begin to cry.
    You cry for a while, the tears help, even though they’re worthless.
    You feel lighter somehow, even though your heart is heavy.
    Then they subside, and you think you can make it to tomorrow.
    Then later, the second wave hits, worse than the first, a wound being reopened.
    But you tell yourself to bear up, and stop it.
    And you pretend that every time you see him you won’t be looking at him.
    That you won’t be hoping he loves you too and this was all a bad dream.
    But you know you will be.
    Sooner or later though, the lust will dissipate.
    The burn will fade to a throb, and then to nothing.
    And you move on, scarred but smiling.
    You are stronger now, given the strength borne from facing the truth.
    Borne from heartbreak and dying dreams.
    Strength from a spirit that was battered by reality.
    A spirit that stands alone, but with her feet rooted to the earth that springs anew beneath her feet.
    ~And like the Phoenix, she shall rise again.~